This week NBC is featuring "
Green Week," NBC will be "entertaining, informing and empowering Americans to live greener lives," with these Special Episodes of your favorite shows check it out and see what you can learn. I don't know how green NBC really is but I guess its a step in the right direction. Also if you get a chance the U.S. Green Building Council (
GreenBuild show is this week on the 7
th in Chicago. I know many builders and supplier that will be going to the show. I unfortunately am unable to attend the show. So if any of you see any interesting products or literature that you think I might like please pick-up a extra one for me. You might have noticed green is every where you look and with gas pricing predicted to be above $4.00 per gallon by next summer. I feel confident that my prediction that the future of building will be green is correct. See this latest article from Ecogeek that confirms my predictions at
http://www.ecogeek.org/content/view/1094/ . Now is a great time to have your green home designed with interests rates and lumber prices at a all time low. Give us a call and let us show you how a green home can enhance your families lives.