- What is the wind power potential for Michigan?
- How do wind turbines work and feed power to the grid?
- What are the Federal and State Policies effecting wind energy?
- Why is wind energy growing at a 30% annual rate around the globe?
- What is the economic potential for West Michigan?
- Green/LEED/Energy Star - What means what in "Green Building".
- Solar Power - Electricity from photovoltaic cells.
- The Electrical Grid - the components, the fuels and how renewables can be apart.
- Renewable vs. Conservation vs. Efficiency - Potential economic impact from a focus on efficiency.
- Liquid fuels - petroleum issues and some altenatives.
- Green Built vs LEED vs Energy Star.
We are looking forward to attending these series. Hope some of you can make it to them. Also our friend Mark Bauer of Bauer Power will be the presenter for the class on Solar Power.
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