It started off with the VIP party at our show house which had a great turn out! And the debut of the new Team Hybrid trailer. The Trailer was so cool Adam decided to take it down to his booth at the energy fair. The trailer drew people over to the Hybrid Row which was a row of vendors including myself that were involved with the Hybrid show home. We also were published in the
Manistee and Traverse City newspapers and mentioned on TV and radio. We meet congressmen, senators, state and local officials along with a lot of great people interested in green building what more could we ask for. Our booths were continuously packed with people interested in the processes of the show house and our individual companies
Image Design and Adam
Bearup's company
Hybrid Homes (TM). Adam and I also gave a seminar on building a Hybrid Home(TM) from start to finish. We were excited to see all 70 seat's full and people standing at every opening to hear what we were saying. Afterward people kept asking us if or when we were speaking again. And to top that we were invited to speak at several colleges and organizations. I have spent the last few days emailing and calling all the different people and contact's we made during the Energy Fair. What a great event I can't wait until next year. I want to thank Adam
Bearup and all of team hybrid for making it a wonderful experience. I also want to give my wife
Christy, a special thank you for being there and working so hard to promote our business along with
Hybrid Homes (TM), and
Team Hybrid (TM).
Christy is awesome! If I was getting tired, I would look over at her, with all of her energy, and that would fire me up to get back in there and talk talk talk!
Thank you Christy for believing in us!!!!! AB
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