Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Friday, February 20, 2009

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Congratulation to the Homeowners and "Team Hybrid" members Adam Bearup of Hybrid Homes, LLC (Builder), Dave Russell of Wall Tech Products, LLC (Distributor), ourselves Image Design, LLC (Designer) and BuildBlock (Supplier) for winning another prestigious award. Also a big thank goes out to all the behind the seen people who worked on this project, we could not of done it without all of you. Team Hybrid would like to send a special thanks to BuildBlock's Marketing Department for all of their hard work.
Sunday, February 01, 2009

Besides being able to follow the "Turtle's Hope" project on there web-log you will also be able to follow our newest project we were just hired for through their design & construction process on there web-log called "Building our Green Dream Home" . This project will be in Dexter, Michigan (just out side of Ann Arbor) and were looking forward to working with these new clients on it. Some of the main features there looking for in their new home are a passive solar design with a rainwater cistern on it. Please watch the two web-log for updates!
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