Monday, December 31, 2007

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Monday, December 10, 2007

- Lifetime Design 43%
- Sustainable (Green) Design 58%
- Not So Big House Design 49%
- Passive Solar Design 45%
- None of the above 6%
I want to thank everyone that took part in the poll we had over 100 responses, it will help us in our marketing research. I believe that all of the features above should be standard on all new homes! If you would like to find out more about any of the above features please email me or call. Also please check out the new poll on "What your favorite home style".

The GLREA handed us 17 plaques for each of the Team Hybrid Members who were vital to the project's success. It is important to remember, that there were several projects nominated from the Great Lakes Region.
The award reads:
We are more than thrilled to win this award as a Team!
The members recognized were:
Hybrid Homes, LLC
Image Design, LLC
The Homeowners
Bauer Power
Sky Stream (wind generator)
Schucco (Solar Hot Water System)
Galaxy Electric
H and H plumbing and heating
Andersen Windows
Shaw Flooring
CertainTeed (Cement Board Siding)
R-Value Concrete Structures
Team Elmers (Concrete Supplier)
Onekama Building Supply
Standale Lumber
Alliance for Environmental Sustainability
Wall Tech Products (ICF Supplier)
Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Friday, November 02, 2007

Thursday, October 25, 2007

The material of the exterior are cement board shingles (with fly ash mix). The stone chimney and foundation add to the authintic "Shingle Style" nature of the project. If you would like to find out more about this project or other plans we have in this style please contact us.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

I have been nominated the chair for the West Michigan Chapter of the USGBC LEED for Homes Committee. This committee will be working on educating the public about LEED for Homes program and its benefit over other green building programs here in Michigan. If you or you builder would like to find out more on this program please give me a call.
Monday, August 27, 2007

Insulation 101
I've been an insulation auditor for 15 years working with contractors that wanted to be certified installers. As a field auditor I've seen it all, the good, bad and indifferent. The industry's dirty little secret is that 70% of all insulation jobs are under insulated. The cheating by the insulation industry is rampant. The FTC has issued special rules and fines (up to $10,000 per incident) for general contractors not meeting the contract requirements. There are three reason why insulation is shorted. Operator error caused by a lack of training or equipment failures, mislabeled packaging my manufacturing and fraud (selling low bid and shorting the material to make up for it. Loose fill insulation, like fiberglass, can be fluffed up like whipping cream, giving the illlusion of adequate R-value (based on depth). But insulation depth is only an indicator of R-value if the density is adequate. Increasing your insulation from R-13 to R-19 may not improve the thermal performance of your home. Heat moves three ways:
- Radiation.
- Conduction.
- Convection.
Radiation is heat movement through space. The sun heats the earth by radiation. Houses can be impacted by radiated heat that enters through window assemblies or through the roof.
Conduction is heat movement through a solid object. Heat transfers one adjacent molecule at a time. Convection is heat movement through a liquid. Air is a liquid. Forced air HVAC systems transmit heat convectively as do convective ovens. Most of our heat loss in our buildings is convective in nature. Fiberglass blanket is not effective at stopping air movement so it is not effective at stopping heat loss. Even when installed in a wall cavity fiberglass insulation is by-passed by convective air movement in the cavity through convective loops. Convective loops form when the air inside a wall cavity begins to move because it is cooled (and drops) along the outside wall and rises (as it is warmed along the inside wall. The warm air will rise until it get to the top and cools again as it hits the top of the outside wall, and drops. Pretty soon the cold air is pulled right through the insulation, in effect by-passing it. When selecting insulation it is best to pay attention to density. Generally the denser the insulation material the more effective the insulation. Each insulation in the list below will out perform the insulation above it:
- Fiberglass blanket (or batts).
- Dense-packed fiberglass (BIBS system).
- Cellulose (wet spray).
- Cellulose (dry packed).
- Closed-cell, spray foam.
- Open-cell, spray foam.
By Mike Holcomb
Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Tours will be held in the following areas this year:
- Greater Lansing Area
- Metro Detroit Area
- Greater Ann Arbor Area
- Southwest Michigan Area
- Greater Traverse City Area
- Greater Grand Rapids Area
- Northwest Michigan Area (Hybrid Home Tour)
Monday, July 30, 2007

The 2007 Michigan Energy Fair show homes is getting closer to completion check-out the updated photo on Hybrid Homes (TM) website. This home is also slated to be published in the Traverse Northern Home & Cottage magazine in May 2008. We are also starting another Sustainable (Green) home in Paw Paw this home is looking at having wind generation, photovoltaic, solar hot water, passive solar and lifetime designs.
One of our commercial project in Ludington is also nearing completion Michigan Trucking & Equipment Sales (see the photo above). If you want to see the picture larger just double click it.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007

- Rainbow Trout.
- Family Fishing.
- Fishing Poles, Fly Rods, Bait, and Tackle provided at no charge.
- No License Required.
- Fish cleaned and iced or
- Catch & Release.
Have fun and be sure to tell them I sent you! Please let me know what you think of it if you stop bye.
Thursday, July 05, 2007

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Monday, June 18, 2007

Monday, June 11, 2007

Friday, June 08, 2007

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Monday, April 30, 2007

New-home radon removal system: about $400.
Existing-home radon removal system: could set you back a couple thousand bucks -- the authors was about $1,200
Potential extra years with your family: Priceless.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Friday, April 20, 2007

Monday, April 02, 2007

Monday, March 19, 2007

The term “greenwashing” has entered the lexicon to mean giving the appearance of being green without providing substantive environmental benefit. Before you hire a architect or residential designer educate your self
- Ask to see example of past green projects they have designed.
- Ask if they have designed any Energy Star or LEED H designed homes.
- Ask what continuing education they have taken to educate themselves on green building practices .
- Ask if they're member of any green or sustainable organization.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007

- What is the wind power potential for Michigan?
- How do wind turbines work and feed power to the grid?
- What are the Federal and State Policies effecting wind energy?
- Why is wind energy growing at a 30% annual rate around the globe?
- What is the economic potential for West Michigan?
- Green/LEED/Energy Star - What means what in "Green Building".
- Solar Power - Electricity from photovoltaic cells.
- The Electrical Grid - the components, the fuels and how renewables can be apart.
- Renewable vs. Conservation vs. Efficiency - Potential economic impact from a focus on efficiency.
- Liquid fuels - petroleum issues and some altenatives.
- Green Built vs LEED vs Energy Star.
We are looking forward to attending these series. Hope some of you can make it to them. Also our friend Mark Bauer of Bauer Power will be the presenter for the class on Solar Power.
Thursday, February 15, 2007

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Sunday, February 04, 2007

This is slide show of a past Image Design project showing Arts & Craft Style details that we are capable of doing on your projects. Our Builders are highly skilled craftsman and are capable of crafting any details we can come up with. Here at Image Design we don't only design plans we create the total image for your project that your looking for.
Monday, January 22, 2007

Monday, January 08, 2007

"Green buildings do not poison the air with fumes nor the soul with artificiality. Instead, they create delight when entered, serenity and health when occupied, and regret when departed. They grow organically in and from their place, integrating people within the rest of the natural world." —Natural Capitalism
Saturday, January 06, 2007

- Interior Selections
- Color Selections
- Art Aquisitions
She has help several clients and family members in the past with their projects. And has been told time and time again she should do it full time. She is currently working with two of our latest clients on their interior design needs. So please welcome her aboard and if you need her assistance please give us a call and ask for her.